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Anti keeps telling us how much better the economy is under Biden


Posted 2:46 pm, 04/12/2024

The ecomony is in getting worse as time goes on, according to COLA.


Posted 2:43 pm, 04/12/2024

The economy is far worse than expected at this time. The SS cola likely to be over 3% in 2025. This comes from cola, do tell.


Posted 2:10 pm, 04/12/2024

I found that you can change the graph to annual, and it doesn't match what you posted. I don't know where Macrotrends got their data, but it's not what the Fed says.

2017 - 102.53
2018 - 103.81
2019 - 104.50
2020 - 122.60
2021 - 121.60
2022 - 119.77
2023 - 119.64


Posted 2:05 pm, 04/12/2024

Have I ever implied in any way that annual averages were the thing to look at? The only chart I've ever posted is this one...

That comes directly from the Federal Reserve, so it's the most accurate.

Here's the raw data if you prefer...


Posted 1:58 pm, 04/12/2024

Have you changed it to quarters? You never mentioned that before.


Posted 1:34 pm, 04/12/2024

All I've talked about is the Debt to GDP Ratio

Are you referring to your post with annual averages? I guess that's fine if you want to ignore facts, sure...


Posted 1:31 pm, 04/12/2024

So now we don't go by the debt to gdp ratio? You flip flop so much trying to cover for Biden. It makes it hard to keep up with all of the spin.


Posted 12:36 pm, 04/12/2024

sleepy pedo pete added a trillion dollars to the national debt in on month!

I don't know your source, and you're well known for half truths. But even if it IS true, it doesn't matter! All that matters is the ratio, not the number.

If you make $50,000 a year and take out a loan for $50,000, that's a lot. But if you make $100,000 and take out a loan for $50,000, it's not so much. See the difference?

And yet the fed is about to raise interest rates again. A home mortgage rate now is over 7% and home sales along with car loans are way down due to no one but Biden.

I don't think you understand this, either. We've talked about it before.

The Fed raises interest rates to slow inflation. When inflation plateaus then they hold the interest rate steady. A decrease in the interest rate would mean that we have a struggling economy.

The fact that they're not decreasing it is a sign of a strong economy.

Here we see that Trumps ratio was near perfect, according to Anti, his first three year. Then covid happened.

Those are annual averages. The link I gave is more accurate, and shows a steady increase of the ratio up to 106.99% before COVID.

Biden's been in office over three years. Attempting to blame Trump for his disaster is desperation. And just plain foolish.

You're partially right. Biden has been in office for over 3 years, sure... and he's lowered the Debt to GDP Ratio from a record high (bar WWII) of 132.96% to 121.62%.

Which still isn't perfect, but can you find any other President in American history that lowered the ratio by more than 11 points in 3 years? Clinton lowered it from 65.3% to 54.25% in 5 years, that's the closest I can find... which really wasn't a good thing since he wasn't leveraging our credit properly, but he still led us through the longest economic boom in history (thanks to Al Gore).


Posted 9:54 am, 04/12/2024

Raising everyone's payments along with raising the prices on everything you buy. That's how you curb inflation. I'm no economist for sure.


Posted 8:20 am, 04/12/2024

The democrats still tout the lie of jobs growth when in fact they were caught counting part time jobs. Democrats spread lies so much they convince themselves its the truth.

DB Cooper

Posted 8:08 am, 04/12/2024

Biden's been in office over three years. Attempting to blame Trump for his disaster is desperation. And just plain foolish.


Posted 7:34 am, 04/12/2024

Here we see that Trumps ratio was near perfect, according to Anti, his first three year. Then covid happened.

U.S. Debt to GDP Ratio - Historical Data
Year Government Debt as % of GDP Annual Change
2021 120.37% -5.86%
2020 126.23% 25.43%
2019 100.81% 1.74%
2018 99.06% 1.37%
2017 97.69% -0.81%



Posted 7:01 am, 04/12/2024

We are heading toward Carter Era conditions brought on by the same issue. Spending money we don't have to pay for things we don't need in order to help people we don't like


Posted 6:46 am, 04/12/2024

And yet the fed is about to raise interest rates again. A home mortgage rate now is over 7% and home sales along with car loans are way down due to no one but Biden.


Posted 6:23 am, 04/12/2024

And I have some fake BudLite shares to sell you. So get out your monopoly money


Posted 6:11 am, 04/12/2024

sleepy pedo pete added a trillion dollars to the national debt in on month!

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed for trolling.


Posted 1:06 am, 04/12/2024

The ideal Debt to GDP Ratio is 100%; anything less and we're not leveraging our credit for the economy, anything more and we're paying too much in interest.

Obama had it at a near perfect ratio. But then Trump raised it to 106.99% before COVID.

During COVID, Trump raised it to 132.96%.

Biden has been able to lower it to 121.6%. And while that is still way too high, he's not a magician. He can't just snap his fingers and eliminate Trump's debt. It's going to take decades to repair the economy from the Trump era!

But you can see that Biden has lowered the Debt to GDP Ratio by more than any other President in American history.

Blaming him for Trump's failed economy is just desperation. The facts simply do not support what you want to believe.


Posted 11:09 pm, 04/11/2024

Ironically the righties never get concerned about the debt until a democrat is in office.


Posted 10:21 pm, 04/11/2024

It's always about the debt to GDP ratio. The ratio was 126% during covid. She's always reminding us how terrible that is. But under Biden it has been over 120% every year. With no pandemic. According to Anti, that's terrible. So Biden has had several of the highest ratios in history for no national emergency. He's just that bad.

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